Enders is a combination of recreational and wildlife
lands, with the additional
dedication of a portion of the area as a wildlife refuge in the fall and
dam itself is a homogeneous, earth-filled structure, 134 ft. high and
2,603 ft. long. It is 30 ft. wide at the top and a maximum of 670 ft.
at the base. It forms a 1,707-acre lake at top conservation pool, with
26 miles of shoreline. It stores water to irrigate some 21,100 acres of
xxxMain camping is on the east shore, and
has electrical hookups, picnic shelters, grills, drinking water, restrooms,
and a trailer dump station.
xxxHunting for big game, waterfowl, and upland
game is allowed on public property along the river, west of the refuge,
and on wildlife lands north and east of the protected area. Large flocks
of mallards and geese winter on the open waters of the refuge and provide
an excellent huntable population for waterfowlers. Totally, there are
about 1,500 acres of wildlife lands, with managed habitat, open to hunters.
xxxAvailable species include white bass,
crappie, walleye, channel catfish, and wipers. (308) 394–5118. www.ngpc.state.ne.us
Lake Golf Course Located
next to Enders Reservoir, this is a well-groomed, hilly course, lined
with natural prairie foliage. Special dinners served on Tuesdays (Mexican)
and Thursdays (Steak). Cart rentals and green fees. (308) 882–5300
Lakers Groceries,
baits, information, just north of the lake in town.
(308) 882–4011
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